Musqueam First Nation

The project involves replacing sections of existing 200 mm dia vinyl chloride (VC) sanitary sewer main from Stautlo Avenue to west 51st Avenue; associated manholes and laterals along the route; and installing new access path to facilitate future maintenance.

The existing sanitary sewer main along this route has not been functioning as intended, resulting in vertical deflections, sewer surcharges and blockages.

Project Overview:
The total length of proposed replacement sewer main is 214m. The existing sewer main runs parallel to the west side of Musqueam Creek through the riparian zone. A temporary access path on the west side of Musqueam Creek was installed in the fall of 2022 to provide access for watercourse maintenance dredging, which occurred as part of a separate project. This temporary access cleared much of the existing vegetation along the proposed sanitary sewer main replacement corridor.

The sewer main replacement will include the removal of existing riparian vegetation (remaining following the watercourse maintenance) to access the sewer main, and the installation of a 3.0m-wide raised access path constructed of clean geotechnical fill material. The new sewer main will be covered by a minimum of 1m of fill cover. The new access path will be built upon the temporary access path to limit the impact to riparian vegetation. The access path will allow maintenanceaccess for future maintenance activities. Removed vegetation will be replanted at a 1:1 ratio plus 10% within the riparian area of Musqueam Creek.

A section of the sanitary main will cross a seasonally wetted area or backchannel to Musqueam Creek. This area will require the sanitary main to be protected by a concrete casing. As such, isolation of the wetted area during construction will be required. No other instream works are anticipated.

PGL conducted an Environmental Overview Assessment (EOA) of Musqueam Creek to provide a vegetation, wildlife, and wildlife habitat assessment inventory. PGL reviewed relevant background research and data, visited the Site on August 12 2022, and interviewed a xwmeekwayem member familiar with the Site. Included in the Site visit were Species at Risk (SAR), invasive species, observed wildlife, and sensitive ecosystems surveys.

Restoration following the sanitary sewer main replacement and access path construction will include removal of invasive species and replanting with native trees and shrubs suitable to the Site. The raised access path will also prevent flooding of nearby homes and will prevent oversaturation oftree roots. To mitigate and manage potential adverse effects from Project construction activities, PGL recommends developing a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), (which should include an Environmental Monitoring plan), and scheduling construction during low flows to reduce sedimentation impacts. PGL also recommends completing Project activities during the appropriate instream work window and outside breeding bird season window to mitigate impacts on fish and wildlife. After mitigation measures are considered, residual adverse effects to fish and wildlife are not expected.

Project Rationale:
Performance issues within the existing sewer main have led to sanitary surcharges from manhole sanitary surcharge into a resident's home, continual maintenance work to flush the sewer main an manual removal of solids from existing manholes. Additionally, Escherichia coli (E. coli) has been identified within Musqueam Creek, likely as a result of leakages and surcharge from the under performing sewer main.

Musqueam Creek is of cultural significance to Musqueam First Nation and is the last salmon-bearing stream within Vancouver, BC. The Musqueam culture goes hand in hand with Musqueam Creek Sediment deposition within the creek has changed to elevation of the floodplain, causing riparian vegetation to die off due to increased wetted areas and submerged roots.

The replacement of the sanitary sewer main adjacent Musqueam Creek is an opportunity to address E. coli issues in the creek and restore the riparian habitat that has been affected by increased water levels.


Latest update

December 6, 2023 - Indigenous Services Canada issued its Notice of Determination and determined that the project:
is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.



Indigenous Services Canada
Fasih Siddiqui, Senior Engineer
1138 Melville Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 4S3
Telephone: 604-376-0802
Fax: 604-775-7149

  • Location

    • Musqueam First Nation (British Columbia)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Other, not otherwise specified
  • Assessment Status

    In progress
  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Musqueam First Nation
  • Authorities

    • Indigenous Services Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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