Lingan Dredge Material Management Site Cell Expansion, Cape Breton County, NS

The proposed project consists of the expansion of an existing dredge material management site (DMMS) in Lingan, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia. The Lingan DMMS is a vital component of the dredge management strategy for Small Craft Harbours in the Eastern Region. The purpose of this facility is to provide a long term management option to contain dredge spoils from nearby Small Craft Harbours that undergo routine dredging on an intermittent basis. During the initial construction phase and subsequent expansion of this facility, three disposal cells were created which have since been filled with dredge material. In order to facilitate additional dredge cycles within nearby harbours, additional capacity is required at the Lingan DMMS. The current expansion project will include the development of 2 additional cells within the DMMS property.


The additional cells,  spanning an area of approximately 40,000 m2 will be created with the use of heavy equipment to create berms using in-situ material from the site. Dewatering will be accomplished through modification of the existing passive drainage and treatment system in order to incorporate the additional containment cells. This system consists of a series of drainage channels that direct water from the containment cells into a series of two settling ponds before discharging to a nearby brook/drainage channel (unnamed brook) which flows a short distance to the ocean.


Latest update

Notice of Determination

November 2, 2023 – DFO-SCH has issued their Notice of Determination after evaluation of the Lingan Dredge Material Management Site (DMMS) Cell Expansion, and has determined that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects and can therefore proceed.


This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • Impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples;
  • Community and Indigenous knowledge;
  • Comments received from the public; and
  • Technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.


Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:

  • Weather conditions are to be assessed on a daily basis to determine the risk of extreme weather in the project areas. Avoid work during periods which Environment and Climate Change Canada has issued rainfall or wind warning for the work area.
  • Wash, refuel and service machinery and store fuel and other materials for the machinery in such a way as to prevent any deleterious substances from entering any nearby waterway.
  • On site, crews must have emergency spill clean-up equipment adequate for the activity involved, and it must be on site. Spill equipment will include, as a minimum, at least one 250 L (i.e., 55 gallon) overpack spill kit containing items to prevent a spill from spreading; absorbent booms, pillows, and mats; rubber gloves; and plastic disposal bags. All spills or leaks must be contained, cleaned up, and reported to the 24-Hour Environmental Emergencies Report System (1-800-565-1633).
  • Minimize disturbance to all birds and wildlife on-site and in adjacent areas during the entire course of the work.
  • Become knowledgeable with and abide by the Species at Risk Act (SARA) regarding the protection of species at risk on-Site and in the vicinity (i.e. bank swallow, Bobolink).
  • All machinery must be well muffled. If necessary, trucks may be required to avoid the use of “hammer” braking along specific sections of the route.
  • During nighttime work (if any), lights are to be shielded or pointed downwards. They are to be positioned in the opposite direction of any nearby bird nesting habitat.
  • Contractors must ensure that food scraps and garbage are not left at the work site. All construction waste material will be disposed of in a provincially approved manner.
  • All equipment must be maintained in proper running order to prevent leaking or spilling of potentially hazardous or toxic products. This includes hydraulic fluid, diesel, gasoline, and other petroleum products.
  • Should nests of birds  including bird species at risk (e.g. Bobolink, Bank Swallows) be encountered during work, immediately notify the PSPC Project Manager for directives to be followed. Do not disturb nest site and neighbouring vegetation until nesting is completed, minimize work immediately adjacent to such areas until nesting is completed, and the proponent shall ensure that if a nest is detected within the project area, Environment and Climate Change Canada - Canadian Wildlife Service (ECCC-CWS) shall be consulted and their recommendations shall be followed to protect these areas.
  • A site management and monitoring plan has been developed, which outlines mitigation measures to minimize negative interactions with species at risk during the operation phases of the project.
  • Site construction and operations (e.g., removal of dewatered sediment, site maintenance) should be conducted outside of the breeding and nesting season. If construction or operation needs to occur during breeding and nesting season, appropriate surveys clearing the activity areas should be completed by qualified staff as close to the starting of activities as possible.
  • Any necessary removal of the wooded areas and any site operations (e.g., disposal of sediment, site maintenance, and removal of material) will occur outside of the breeding and nesting season. If removal of trees or natural areas needs to occur during breeding and nesting season, appropriate surveys clearing the activity areas will be completed by qualified staff as close to the starting of activities as possible.
  • Field areas that are planned to be used for any component of the DMMS will be inspected during the nesting season to ensure that ground-nesting birds (e.g., Bobolink) are not present and disturbance avoided until after the nesting season.
  • Bank swallows generally dig their burrows in near-vertical banks (slopes of at least 70 degrees) that are more than 2 m high. Berms of the containment cell will be constructed and mounds of dredged material will be shaped to discourage bank swallows from establishing nests in the berms and mounds (i.e., with a slope of less than 70 degrees).
  • If an archaeological and/or historically significant item is discovered during the work activities, work in the area will be stopped immediately and the PSPC Project Manager will be contacted as well as the provincial Archaeological Services unit: Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, Special Places Program - telephone: (902) 424-6475. Work will only resume at the direction of the provincial Archaeologist.
  • Workers in contact with hazardous materials must be provided with and use appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • Proper safety procedures must be followed throughout the duration of the project as per applicable municipal, provincial, and federal regulations.
  • All equipment used for the works must be in good working condition.
  • Control runoff of water containing suspended material or other harmful substances in accordance with requirements of all federal, provincial and municipal authorities having jurisdiction.
  • Operate machinery in a manner that minimizes disturbance to the watercourse bed and banks.
  • Replace/restore any temporarily disturbed habitat features and remediate any areas impacted by the works, undertakings or activity.
  • Excessive idling of motorized equipment/vehicles will not be permitted.
  • The number of truck trips to and from the site will be minimized to the extent possible.
  • To reduce emissions of air contaminants and greenhouse gases, implement a vehicle idling policy.
  • An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan will be developed for the site that minimizes risk of sedimentation to the surrounding environment.
  • Sediment controls will be visually monitored throughout the life of the project, and repaired immediately if necessary.
  • Any debris or waste material will be disposed of in a provincially approved manner.
  • Eliminate free board spillage when excavating, loading and hauling material. Do not dump petroleum products or any other deleterious substances on ground.
  • Dust control should be provided for construction activities and open soil areas, primarily by using fresh water. Waste oil or other petroleum products shall not be used for dust control under any circumstances. Where and when applicable (e.g., during a dry summer), other agents such as calcium chloride may be used for dust suppression. The use of calcium chloride will be in accordance with the guidelines outlined in Environment Canada’s Best Practices for the Use and Storage of Chloride-Based Dust Suppressants, referring to how, when and quantity to apply.
  • All dust control agents shall be stored in areas away from water bodies and contained, to prevent entry into water bodies.


Key documents

Key documents
Document Number Document Title File Date
3 Notice of Determination - November 2, 2023
2 End of Public Comment Period - September 29, 2023
1 Notice of Intent - August 29, 2023


Department of Fisheries and Oceans - Small Craft Harbour, Maritime and Gulf Region
Chyann Kirby, Regional Environmental Advisor
Gulf Fisheries Center, 343 University Ave.
Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 9B6
Telephone: 506-866-5164

  • Location

    • The Lingan site is located on lot 2014-2 Hinchey Avenue, New Waterford, NS. It is on the northeast shore of Cape Breton Island along the Atlantic Coast of Nova Scotia. (Nova Scotia)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Ports and Harbours
  • Assessment Status

  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Small Craft Harbours (DFO-SCH)
  • Authorities

    • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    • Public Services and Procurement Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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