Swan Lake First Nation Youth & Prevention Centre

Detailed Project Description
(Should include this information in Section 1 – "Project Description" or as a separate attachment)
Identify project activities that are taking place (i.e. clearing and grubbing, demolition, construction of
new build, access road, etc.)
Clearing, demolition and deconstruction of existing structures, site preparation/re-grading,
construction of a new build, access roads and parking.
SLFN shall clear any landfill waste and any buried scrap metal together with the demolition and
dismantling of existing silos. Construction activities constitutes of site-preparation works, extension
of the existing access road and construction of a new parking area.
Identify any infrastructure, debris or buildings on site
Currently the site accommodates three (3) empty silos, a temporary outdoor hockey/ice-skating rink
together with a Shed/Garage which is used as a storage facility and a warming shed during winter.
Identify the type of waste to be generated and how the waste will be managed (i.e. stored,
transported and disposed)
Recycling practices will be adopted within the buildings through the installation of bins that shall
facilitate the recycling process. Appropriate bins for the landfill waste will also be provided. These will
be collected and disposed of in accordance with the current waste management collection schedule.

Identify the current and previous land use at the site.
The site envisaged to be redeveloped previously accommodated a hog barn which was subsequently
removed while the silo associated with this activity remained on site. Around 2011 a recycling
facility was built, however in recent years, this building was refurbished to accommodate machines
and items related to an outdoor ice rink which is used during the winter season as a hockey and iceskating rink. This building is also heated during the winter via an outdoor above ground propane
Identify the adjacent land use around the site.
The site-in-question is located within the central section of Swan Lake First Nation Community,
adjacent to the current Recycling facilities which are northeast of the public works area. The site is
surrounded by residential houses to the north and south, while to the east faces an open agricultural
field and its western side is characteristic by an open recreational/playground/splash park area.
Identify any day tanks/fuel tanks located at the site and their respective size and volume.
There will be no fuel tanks on site as the building's services are to be electric.
Provide information on the square footage of the project.
Overall Capital Building: 18,477 SF
Garage: 1,370 SF
Outdoor space: 5,150 SF
Parking: 8,470 SF

Identify utility connections and existing capacities.
Option 1: Connection to existing utilities (i.e. Connection to water lines and sewer) – Provide
a letter from the responsible Engineer documenting the state of the existing water and
wastewater systems, clearly outlining if there is capacity to accommodate the new proposed
Option 2: Installation of cisterns/septic tanks/fields – Provide the location of the utility, it's
associated size and a letter documenting how sewage will be disposed of.
Nearby underground utilities include a water line that runs through the site, and fiber optic systems
runs underground along RD 63N. Electrical supplies exist on site.

The design stage will dictate the size of cistern and location for this project. With respect to existing
water supply capacity to accommodate the proposed building, since there is an existing water line,
we are assuming that there is a capacity but cannot confirm until early design stages once amount of
washrooms, kitchens, etc. are finalized.


Latest update

The assessment is in progress.



Environment Management and Planning
Ayonniyi Dehinbo, Senior Environmental Specialist
365 Hargrave
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3A3
Telephone: 431-334-6471
Email: ayonniyi.dehinbo@sac-isc.gc.ca

  • Location

    • Swan Lake First Nation (Manitoba)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Building and Property Development
  • Assessment Status

    In progress
  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Swan Lake First Nation
  • Authorities

    • Indigenous Services Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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