On Hold - Aggregate Business Development Plan - Phase 2, Sturgeon Lake First Nation I.R. 101

The development of a commercial aggregate business was identified as a key economic development goal for Sturgeon Lake First Nation (SLFN).  Phase 1 of the Aggregate Development Plan centered around gaining an understanding of the quality and quantity of SLFN's aggregate resources.  This phase included performing soil sampling and laboratory analysis in order to determine the volume of various aggregate types that were present, such as sand, road gravel and cobblestone.  Additionally, several sites were considered to provide space to sort and stockpile various aggregate types for sale into the open market should SLFN proceed with an aggregate business. 

As part of Phase 1, three (3) sites were tested for their ability to sustain a commercial level of aggregate extraction activity located south of Sturgeon Lake and Sturgeon Lake Road.  Of the three (3) sites that were tested, only two (2) proved capable of sustaining a commercial level of gravel extraction; Test Site 1 (herein referred to as Site 1) and Test Site 2 (herein referred to as Site 2).  Considering the promising results from Phase 1, SLFN requested Urban Systems Ltd.  proceed with Phase 2 of the plan.  Phase 2 of the plan consists of exploring the feasibility of a commercial aggregate business based on the findings of Phase 1.  The proposed SLFN IR #101 development consists of two (2) parcels, approximately 8.32 hectares (20.52 acres) in area, that proved capable of sustaining commercial aggregate extraction; and, a parcel approximately 8.97 hectares (22.16 acres) in area for processing and stockpiling.

The proposed development consists of a commercial level of gravel extraction at two sites and the processing and stockpiling of aggregate resources at a separate site.  There is currently no infrastructure present at the sites.  The sites will be accessed using existing roads, where possible.  The processing/stockpiling site will be serviced by overhead power lines if required; otherwise, self-contained power generation units will be leveraged as is common with aggregate processing in the marketplace.


Latest update

June 26, 2020 - The assessment process has been terminated.


Key documents

Key documents
Document Number Document Title File Date
1 Aggregate Business Development Plan - Phase 2, Sturgeon Lake First Nation I.R. 101 - November 21, 2019


Indigenous Services Canada
Alvin Hamilton Building, 1783 Hamilton Street
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2B6
Telephone: 306-581-3134
Email: isc-skenv@sac-isc.gc.ca

  • Location

    • Sturgeon Lake IR 101 (Saskatchewan)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Mines and Minerals
  • Assessment Status

  • Proponent

    Sturgeon Lake First Nation
  • Authorities

    • Indigenous Services Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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