Muskeg Lake Cree Nation - Construction of commercial/retail building

The Proposed Project

Muskeg Lake Cree Nation - Construction of commercial/retail building

Muskeg Lake Cree Nation is planning to build a 6000 square foot commercial/retail building adjacent to the Lakeside Medical building in a corner lot located at the corner of 105th Street East and Joseph Okemasis Drive in Saskatoon Saskatchewan. Planned businesses for the building are food/beverage services with drive-thru services along  with insurance, and related medical services. Construction is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2021 and be completed by 2022.

The building will be connected to existing City of Saskatoon (COS) infrastructure (e.g., water and sewer) and existing provincial (e.g., Saskpower, Saskenergy, Sasktel) utilities (e.g., electrical, natural gas, telephone, and internet). The proposed development will be constructed in accordance with local and national codes. The building will be designed to be minimize water use and be energy efficient. Priorities will be given to "green" materials and materials will be selected to ensure that once installed and cured there will be no release of hazardous substances. The site is located in an area of existing development. As such no clearing of previously undisturbed areas will occur. The site will be operated in compliance with local and national requirements / standards. Non-recyclable solid waste and/or construction debris generated during construction will be disposed of at the COS Landfill. Volatile materials used during construction (e.g. paint thinners, paints, etc.) will be collected, recycled or disposed of at a provincially certified facility licensed to accept such waste. All materials utilized at the site during construction will be securely stored on site. Spill containment kits will be placed in the storage area to respond to spills that have the potential to impact migrate offsite and/or impact the environment. Construction equipment will be well maintained to minimize fumes and idling of vehicles and construction equipment will not be allowed. Equipment will be checked regularly for leaks and kept in good repair. Only self contained inert material will be stored on site during construction. If required dust will be controlled by misting exposed soil with water or inert chemicals. Transported materials will be covered to reduce the potential for blowing debris. No contaminated material is anticipated to be located at the site. If encountered contaminated materials will be transported offsite for treatment at a provincially certified/licensed disposal site in accordance with provincial guidelines/regulations. An Emergency Plan will be developed for the site and site personnel will be trained on the implementation of the plan including use of emergency spill containment equipment and handling/disposal of potentially contaminated materials. Fuelling locations will be at least 100 m away from areas that could conduct spills into drainage pathways. All chemicals will be stored properly to prevent spillage and if stored on site overnight, secured with lock and key. Care will be taken to ensure that sediments do not leave the site and if required controls (e.g., settling ponds, silt fences, etc.) will be implemented during construction to reduce the erosion the potential. Earthwork will be limited on windy (>40 km/hr) days to reduce dust production.  There will be contracted services for garbage and recycling. City of Saskatoon building permits will be required.


Latest update

February 15, 2021 - Indigenous Services Canada issued its notice of determination and determined that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.


Key documents


Indigenous Services Canada
Alvin Hamilton Building, 1783 Hamilton Street
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2B6
Telephone: 306-581-3134

  • Location

    • ASIMAKANISEEKAN ASKIY 102A (Saskatchewan)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Building and Property Development
  • Assessment Status

  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Muskeg Lake Cree Nation
  • Authorities

    • Indigenous Services Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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