Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek (196) Lot Servicing and Pre-Construction
Notice determination
February 24, 2023 – Indigenous Services Canada has determined that the proposed "Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek Lot Servicing and Pre-Construction" is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental
The determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:
- impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples
- mitigation measures
A BNA staff trained in identifying nests will survey the area during the period set by Environment Canada for open habit. If a nest is spotted, BNA will establish appropriate set-backs and buffers as Environment Canada recommends based on the species observed.
Based on the consideration of these measures, Indigenous Services Canada is satisfied that that the
carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.
Therefore, Indigenous Services Canada may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty
or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.
Document reference number: 2