The Adisoke Connection to Cliff West District Energy System - 555 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario

The Energy Services Acquisition Program (ESAP) is a federal greening government program initiated to modernize the National Capital Region District Energy System (NCR DES), which provides heating services to over 80 buildings and cooling services to nearly 70 buildings in the National Capital Region. The ESAP program is a demonstration of the Government of Canada leading by example in the context of climate change, by making its own operations greener and adopting technologies that significantly cut carbon pollution, improve energy efficiency, increase safety and reliability, and ensure a safer future for our children and generations to follow.

The Adisoke ESAP Ottawa Expansion project sets out to connect ESAP heating and cooling services to the new Ottawa Public Library and Library and Archives Canada (OPL-LAC) Joint Facility, currently under construction at 555 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario. The initial Adisoke heating and cooling needs for construction will begin when the building envelope is near completion in the Fall of 2024 and will continue until the building is ready for occupancy in the Spring of 2026.

The Adisoke early requirement for heating and cooling services is in advance of the ESAP substantial completion of the NCR DES in October 2025. Therefore, a temporary and permanent provision for heating and cooling services is necessary and is being managed by ESAP. The Adisöke connection to the NCR DES will be completed in two stages. The first stage (Stage 1) is the Interim (temporary) Energy Center and buried service piping to the Adisöke building with design and construction works to be completed Summer 2025. The Interim (temporary) Energy Center and buried service piping will be constructed on Commissioner Street in Ottawa through an agreement with the City of Ottawa.

The second stage (Stage 2) will be the permanent lateral connection to the NCR DES, which will be covered under this project. The connection to the ESAP DES requires the installation of low-temperature hot water and chilled water direct buried piping. In total, there are four pipes, one supply and one return for each service and a communication conduit. These pipes are 250mm and 150mm in diameter and cover a distance of approximately 260 meters. The final connection to the NCR DES will take place on the lands near and on the NCC multi-use pathway between Wellington Street and Albert Street partially running through a green space near parallel to Commissioner Street.

The Adisoke Direct Buried Lateral Connection Piping to the NCR DES project is subject to Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), the National Capital Commission (NCC) and a limited City of Ottawa review and approval. A majority of the proposed project will take place on NCC lands and is subject to a federal land use, design, and real estate transaction approval under the National Capital Act. The PSPC Environmental COE has made a determination that Stage 2 works shall be considered a Basic Project under the Impact Assessment Act (IAA) 2019. In addition to the NCC, other Federal Authorities may be identified during the project development process, and if so, will be coordinated with them.