Complete a federal EIA for Holland Marsh Highway

Reference Number

The Holland Marsh Highway will destroy huge swathes of Ontario's most important ecological and environmental lands, the federal government MUST complete a robust Environmental Impact Study. The local provincial government under Doug Ford is not only refusing to complete a full provincial EIA, but is commencing construction of bridges and overpasses without even completing the weakened provincial EIA. The last provincial EIA completed for this highway showed that it would significantly pollute local groundwater, which is a big problem because the Holland marsh filters huge amounts of water before it drains into Lake Simcoe, a water system that is already under significant urban and agricultural stress. This highway would also be disastrous for climate change, inducing demand for more car travel. Please force the Province of Ontario to complete a robust Federal EIA before building this disastrous project! Thank you! 

Submitted by
James Alofs
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2021-03-09 - 6:26 PM
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