Backwards and dangerous

Reference Number

I am writing this comment to express my concern over this project. Having spoken with several individuals who are knowledgeable and educated on the subject, I would beg the government to please reconsider. The damage to wildlife habitats in the area and down stream.

As well, there is significant risk to downstream water drinkers and users (especially the agricultural sector) that stand to be at risk over containment's.


Finally, the further funding of coal and coal energies is backwards and begging for failure. This money could instead be used in a resource development in more sustainable sources.

thank you for reading, please reconsider.

Submitted by
Matt Holland
Public Notice
Comment Tags
Climate change Weather Events / Flooding / Hazards Fish and Fish Habitat Species at Risk Wildlife / Habitat Groundwater Quality Soil Drinking Water
Date Submitted
2021-01-15 - 6:04 PM
Date modified: