We are in a climate and ecological crisis

Reference Number

Dear government officials,

We are in a climate and ecological crisis. Scientists have been desperatly sounding the alarm because we have lost 60% of wildlife in the past 50 years and have entered the sixth mass extinction in the world's history. Greenhouse gas and marine pollution are on the rise and Canada's policies have not done enough to address this problem. Projects like this one contribute to the problem and even worse, they accelerate climate change and the destruction of ecosystems that are key to our survival and the survival of wildlife. 

For all these reasons, and I am making this short, I am strongly opposed to this project. If the Canadian government keeps going into this direction instead of taking climate actions now then it will be complicite for actively participating in human and animal suffering and ultimately our extinction. We need to reduce our CO2 emissions to stay under 1.5C by 2030 (It's only 11 years from now!!!!) and 2C by 2050 with a net zero CO2 emissions. 


With lots of other Canadians and concerned citizens around the globe, I will be participating in a Climate strike this Friday, for the 1st time in my life, to protest governments inaction and projects like this one. I will also actively continue sharing information about the risks and threats that projects like this one represent and will take it to the street as long as we need to until the governement takes action now and is sincerely committed to save our future. 


We want us future.


Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Camille Mateos CMateos
Environmental Assessment Decision
Public Notice
Public Notice: Frontier Oil Sands Mine Project - Environmental Assessment Public Comment Period on Additional Information
Date Submitted
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