Notice of Intent to Make a Determination

Red Earth Water Supply and Treatment Project - Public Comments invited

September 8, 2023 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Red Earth Water Supply and Treatment Project, to be located on Red Earth First Nation, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by October 7, 2023 to:

Indigenous Services Canada
1827 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 2S9
Telephone: 306-581-3134

Proposed Project

Red Earth First Nation is proposing a water treatment plant expansion and upgrade. The building footprint will be expanded including additions to the existing reservoir for treated water storage. The existing water treatment equipment will be removed and replaced and upgraded. Existing pumping equipment will be removed replaced and upgraded. The interior of the building will be modified to suit new pumping and treatment equipment, including office spaced, electrical equipment, mechanical equipment, backup power generation, bathroom, and chemical storage. Treatment, storage and distribution designs are to meet a 10 year growth period. This plant will service both the Natacam and Carrot River communities.

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