Notice of Intent to Make a Determination

125 Aspen Place Infrastructure & New Building Construction Project - Public Comments invited

August 30, 2022 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed 125 Aspen Place Infrastructure & New Building Construction Project, to be located at 125 Aspen Place within the Muskeg Cree Nation urban reserve in Saskatoon, SK, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by September 29, 2023 to:

Indigenous Services Canada
1827 Albert Street
Regina, SK, S4P 2S9
Telephone: 306-581-3134

Proposed Project

Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Investment Management Corp is planning to complete infrastructure work required to service a new 8400 sqft building to be constructed in the area specifically at 125 Aspen Place located on Muskeg Lake Cree Nation urban-reserve. New infrastructure required will include sewer, utility, communication lines to service the new buildings.  Permits will also be required from the City of Saskatoon for both infrastructure project and new building construction.

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